This comprehensive book covers every aspect of slap from the absolute basics through to advanced techniques such as double thumbing, open string hammerons and how to combine slapping with other techniques in a musical way. Ultimate slap bass is a complete tutorial book, covering every aspect of the slap technique from the absolute basics through to advanced techniques such as double thumbing and popping, strumming, open string hammerons and how to combine slapping with other techniques in a musical way. This guide was written especially for you and for those bass players who would like to learn this process, but dont know where to begin. At this point, i know next to nothing about slap, but i was forwarded a link that you may find useful. Ultimate slap bass has become one of the most popular books ever written on. Ultimate slap bass is one of the most popular books ever. I introduce you to the different techniques thumbing, plucking, left hands slaps and hammerons etc youll need to use. Ultimate slap bass advanced level bass techniques kindle edition by stuart clayton. Even though it has been written with the electric bass in mind, it can also be used for setting up electric guitars or other similar instruments. Funk slap is popular with bass players of all ages and represents the ultimate level of training for any bassist.
Ultimate slap bass an beginner level 42 chapter 5 popular scales and modes for slap bass while is true that no technique should dictate the nates that are used to create music, slap bass has become strongly associated with funk music, and the scales and modes that are common to that style. Th century slap bass the ultimate guide the serenity prayer book ebook the download ultimate slap bass free epub. Bass player slap masters supplement if you click on the big question mark, you can print it out or download it as a. Its a full stepbystep system for playing slap bass.
Ultimate slap bass covers every aspect of the slap technique from the absolute. Beginner, intermediate and advanced, to be released 15th. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or. Slap bass technique the ultimate guide my ultimate guide to slap bass technique will take you every step of the way from newbie all the way through to advanced pro. Sep 26, 2012 this is the intro video for the forthcoming ipad edition of ultimate slap bass, advanced edition.
Slaps bass for beginners bass lessons hey i wrote this tab to help people who are learning slaps bass. Download stuart clayton ultimate slap bass pdf mp3. Ultimate slap bass covers every aspect of the slap technique from the absolute basics through to advanced techniques such as double thumbing, open string hammerons and how to combine slapping with other techniques. Two volume course featuring video lessons, pdf workbooks and. You slap with your thumb and pull with your index and middle fingers. How to slap on bass beginners how to play bass with a. Ultimate slap bass is a 206 page book with two cds that aims to be a definitive guide to the slap bass technique and also aims to be for all levels of player, from beginner to advanced. Slap bass technique the ultimate guide 6th september 2018 hugh richardson comments off on slap bass technique the ultimate guide slap bass technique the ultimate guide my ultimate guide to slap bass technique will take you every step of the way from newbie all the way through to advanced pro. The book starts with basic slapping and popping technique and moves on to. I did really right this i wrote it again because my other good account and all my tabs got deleted somehow.
This is the intro video for the forthcoming ipad edition of ultimate slap bass, advanced edition. Slap bass funky fundamentals how to play fun great sounding slap bass lines following a. This is why i created big funk text book slap, ebook that will teach you all you need to know about the slap technique. This is the intro video for the forthcoming ipad edition of ultimate slap bass, intermediate edition. There is enough easily usable information here to build your technique from scratch to as serviceable as any normal contemporary bass players slap technique needs to be in typical playing situations. Adapted from the highly successful print edition, this book covers the basics, from the mechanics of the slapping and popping techniques, the use of hammerons, pulloffs and trills. You dont really slap the lower string per say, its more like brushing it with your thumb. Here i will show you some examples of essential elements, which are used in funk slap, practical examples with notes, tablatures and studio recorded mp3 audio tracks. Smashwords ultimate slap bass advanced level a book by.
Here are some of my favorite slap bass lines from slap it. Bass lessons slap bass tab slaps bass for beginners bass lessons hey i wrote this tab to help people who are learning slaps bass. Many of his most popular books have formed the basis for these new courses, including ultimate slap bass, the bass guitarists guide to reading music, plectrum technique for bass guitar, and giants of bass. The ultimate slap course for bass guitar two volume course featuring video lessons, pdf workbooks and. You can also resize the bass tabs which makes them perfect for viewing on an ipad, smartphone or other tablet. Ultimate slap bass intermediate level is the second of three interactive books to cover the slap bass technique in downloads pdf properti books arts and entertainment properti books. The book includes 73 exercises and audio files and backing tracks are available to download separately for each one. Pdf the slap bass bible anthony vitti free download pdf. Ultimate slap bass is one of the most popular books ever written on the slap bass technique.
There are 91 exercises in this book and all have free backing tracks available to download from the publishers website. Ebook has 193 exercises, as well as 3 unique examples of bass solos. Guitar chords guitar tabs guitar pro bass tabs ukulele. Alternatively, scotts bass lessons also has some good slap bass lessons, although it aggressively pursues a paid membership which may be well worth it for some players. Funk studies for the electric bass slap bass examples. If all instruction material was as solid as this, i would have 50100 booksdvds in all for bass, guitar, mandolin, not a or more.
A dvd on slap bass that i did find very useful was the slap bass program by alexis sklarevski. Free slap bass exercises marks and symbols used in funk. Oct 24, 2012 bassline publishing has taken their ultimate slap bass books to the screen with the release of all three levels as interactive ipad editions originally released in 2005, the popular print counterpart of this book has been expanded to offer video demonstrations of all the main techniques, audio tracks for each exercise as well as the sheet music and text. Beginner to intermediate bass players who want to learn slap bass veteran bass teacher and berklee grad reveals a new super simple method for playing slap bass without expensive lessons, years of tedious practice, or even natural ability. The basics 25 stepbystep lessons providing a solid foundation in the slap technique what is the simple steps to slap bass course. Jun 6, 2004 swansea,wales,uk endorsing artist elixir strings,markbass amplification. Download stuart clayton ultimate slap bass pdf mp3 audioz. Ive been using it for a while and its made a huge difference to my slap technique.
Ultimate slap bass is a 206 page book with two cds that aims to be a definitive guide to the slap bass technique and also aims to. Sep 04, 2006 ultimate slap bass clayton, stuart on. Advanced level by stuart clayton available from rakuten kobo. I did not copy this from a book its just set up like one. In this hal leonard video tutorial series, bass master ed friedland presents slap bass the ultimate guide. Download my free beginner slap bass exercises pdf from this lesson by clicking the link below. Jul 03, 20 ultimate slap bass advanced edition develops the slap technique through techniques such as double thumbing, open string hammerons and combining techniques. Ultimate slap bass has become one of the most popular books ever written on the slap bass technique.
Ultimate slap bass beginner level bass techniques book. The book includes 91 exercises and audio files and backing tracks are available to download separately for each one. Learn how to use funk slap in practice, notes, tabs and mp3s included slap bass. The samples are in pdf format and require adobe acrobat reader to be installed. Slap bass pdf, big funk text book slap, ebook with mp3. Ultimate slap bass beginner level is the first of three interactive books to cover the slap bass technique in detail. This indepth video tutorial series provides instruction on slapping, popping, lefthand integration, dead notes, and more dangerous techniques. Free bass tabs printable, downloadable pdf bass tabs. Ultimate slap bass by stuart clayton overdrive rakuten.
Find the slapped bass sound you are looking for in seconds. Take a look through the lessons below and get started with the basics of slap. Ultimate slap bass is one of the most popular books ever written on the slap. Slap bass is the percussive funk bass style that first gained popularity with larry graham in. What effects should you use to sound good in funkjazz slap. Ultimate tapping for bass guitar covers all elements of the tapping technique from the absolute basics through to advanced two handed contrapuntal techniques. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading ultimate slap bass beginner level bass techniques book 1.
Stuart claytons ultimate slap bass discussion in general instruction bg started by alun, dec 4, 2010. Ultimate slap bass advanced level bass techniques kindle. Smashwords ultimate slap bass advanced level a book. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Ultimate slap bass intermediate edition develops the slap technique through techniques such as double popping, strumming, left hand slapping and machine gun triplets. Ultimate slap bass beginner level bass techniques book 1 kindle edition by clayton, stuart. Stuart clayton ultimate slap bass beginner level pdf. Description download the slap bass bible anthony vitti free in pdf format. The book starts with basic slapping and popping technique and moves on to cover ghost notes, using hammerons and pulloffs. Ultimate slap bass beginner level bass techniques book 1. In this book, the first in the series of three, the technique is covered from the absolute basics. When you use our free bass tabs pdf youll be able to download and save them to your computer for future use. Adapted from the highly successful print edition, this book covers the more advanced techniques including slapping over swingshuffle grooves, open string hammeron techniques, double thumbing, and combining other techniques with slap and pop.
Ok this is my opinion but i have looked at alot of slap books over the years and most of them suck ass. Even though it has been written with the electric bass in mind, it can also be used for. There are over 200 exercises in the book, the audio files for which are. Ultimate slap bass advanced level ipad edition youtube. Ultimate slap bass by stuart clayton, 9780956964625, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. A bass lesson explaining the basic slapping and popping of the slap bass technique. I changed a few things and added a few more exercises in. The book also includes a detailed history of the tapping technique across all instruments and biographies and interviews of the main contributors to the technique. Ultimate slap bass advanced edition develops the slap technique through techniques such as double thumbing, open string hammerons and combining techniques. Bassline publishing video courses by bass educator stuart.
It will take you from simple to advanced practices and enable you systematic progress, no matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned bass player. Ultimate slap bass intermediate level ipad edition youtube. Funky slap guitar groove tablature pdfdap if you had fun playing this slap guitar groove, check out my slap bass course called slap bass funky fundamentals over on. Ultimate slap bass beginner level is the third of three interactive books to cover the slap bass technique in detail. Bassline publishing video courses by bass educator. Bassline publishing releases ipad versions of ultimate slap. About us we believe everything in the internet must be free. Many of his most popular books have formed the basis for these new courses, including ultimate slap bass, the bass guitarists guide to reading music, plectrum. To make sure you dont get stuck in this trap ive made a free pdf with two slap exercises that you can collect by clicking this link.
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